Multitask init
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api:init:2 поддерживает with_running/without_running


The software stack for Node.JS applications


Collection of in-memory database management systems and caching systems.


Collection of NoSQL database management systems.


Tarantool is a NoSQL database running in a Lua application server

The maximum performance one-click install solution for Wordpress 4, a free and open-source content management system (CMS), running on completely integrated, pre-configured and optimized LEMP stack with the freshest version of PHP 7.
wordpress:4.7.5, php:7.1.4, mariadb-mysqld:10.1.22, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset, phpmyadmin:4.7.0
Course udacity
The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation program (nd101). It includes Python 3.5, TensorFlow 1.0.0 and tflearn 0.30. The stack also includes CUDA and cuDNN, and is optimized for running on NVidia GPU.
udacity-nd101-course:2018, cuda:8.0.61, cudnn:5.1.10, cuda_only-nvidia_drivers:384.111
Course udacity
The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation program (nd101). It includes Python 3.5, TensorFlow 1.0.0 and tflearn 0.30. The software stack is optimized for running on CPU.
Course udacity
The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program (nd009t). It includes Python 3.5, TensorFlow 1.0.0 and Keras 2.0.2. The stack also includes CUDA and cuDNN, and is optimized for running on NVidia GPU.
udacity-nd009t-course:2018, python:3.5.4, cuda:8.0.61, cudnn:5.1.10, cuda_only-nvidia_drivers:384.111
Course udacity
The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program (nd009t). It includes Python 2.7, TensorFlow 1.0.0 and Keras 2.0.2. The stack also includes CUDA and cuDNN, and is optimized for running on NVidia GPU.
udacity-nd009t-course:2018, python:2.7.14, cuda:8.0.61, cudnn:5.1.10, cuda_only-nvidia_drivers:384.111