Course udacity

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program (nd009t). It includes Python 3.5, TensorFlow 1.0.0 and Keras 2.0.2. The stack also includes CUDA and cuDNN, and is optimized for running on NVidia GPU.


You can install the appliance on any new or existing Linux server, download and run it as a virtual machine, use it as a base image for Docker or Vagrant, or launch it with a new cloud platform instance, VPS or dedicated server for supported hosting providers.

Install on Linux

You can install the appliance directly on any Linux with 64-bit kernel (>=2.6.32). Run from the command line:

curl -L | sh

You’ll be asked to execute some operations as root via sudo during the installation.

How to use
Download archive

You can download the archive, unpack it into the /jet directory, finish installation by executing the command /jet/enter /jet/own/bin/fasten and start the services by running /jet/enter start.

Run a container
Alpine 3.8
Ubuntu 18.04
Debian 9
CentOS 7

Copy Dockerfile into your project’s directory:

FROM alpine:3.8
RUN apk add sudo libcap tar
RUN adduser -S -h /jet -s /jet/login jet

RUN { wget -O - "" || echo exit 1; } | sh

USER jet
VOLUME ["/jet/prs"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/jet/login"]
CMD ["main"]

or build an image directly from the URL by executing the command:

docker build ''

Copy Dockerfile into your project’s directory:

FROM ubuntu:18.04
  echo "tzdata tzdata/Areas select Etc" | debconf-set-selections; \
  echo "tzdata tzdata/Zones/Etc select Universal" | debconf-set-selections; \
  apt-get update && \
      apt-get install -y tzdata netbase sudo wget libcap2-bin
RUN useradd --system -m --home /jet --shell /jet/login jet

RUN { wget -O - "" || echo exit 1; } | sh

USER jet
VOLUME ["/jet/prs"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/jet/login"]
CMD ["main"]

or build an image directly from the URL by executing the command:

docker build ''

Copy Dockerfile into your project’s directory:

FROM debian:9-slim
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y netbase sudo wget libcap2-bin
RUN useradd --system -m --home /jet --shell /jet/login jet

RUN { wget -O - "" || echo exit 1; } | sh

USER jet
VOLUME ["/jet/prs"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/jet/login"]
CMD ["main"]

or build an image directly from the URL by executing the command:

docker build ''

Copy Dockerfile into your project’s directory:

FROM centos:7
RUN yum install -y sudo wget libcap
RUN useradd --system -m --home /jet --shell /jet/login jet

RUN { wget -O - "" || echo exit 1; } | sh

USER jet
VOLUME ["/jet/prs"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/jet/login"]
CMD ["main"]

or build an image directly from the URL by executing the command:

docker build ''
Download a virtual machine
Ubuntu 14.04
1.99 GB

You can access the virtual machine via console or SSH:

Login: jet
Password: jet